Voice broadcasting is a valuable marketing strategy if you want to connect with customers on a large scale while still maintaining a close personal touch. It can also help you simplify promotional campaigns and send personalized messages easily and efficiently to the people who may be interested in hearing about your brand's products and services.
Though voice broadcasting is a widespread strategy used by many businesses, it is also governed by some federal and state regulations. Compliance with these regulations is vital to maintaining a safe campaign that remains valuable to your contacts.
Below are some important tips you can follow to help you comply with current FCC regulations for voice broadcasting and sending automated messages. Please note that Client Broadcast is not a legal firm nor authorized to dispense legal advice. We advise you to consult with your legal team if you have specific questions about regulations and compliance. Also, review your state and federal regulations and visit the FCC website.
1. Obtain Consent
You voice broadcast recipients must give you their explicit consent before you can send messages to them. And the consent must be related to the exact campaign from which you are sending them messages. For example, if you obtained their phone numbers via an in-house free signup form but they did not give consent to receiving messages from your voice broadcast campaign, sending them messages would make your business non-compliant.
To obtain consent, make the information clear to your potential subscribers and spell out the expectations in detail of what the subscriber can expect by opting in.
2. Opt Out
Even though your voice broadcast recipients must consent to opt into your voice broadcast campaign, you must also give them a quick and easy way to opt out or unsubscribe. Give recipients a chance to opt out at the end of your message and offer clear, easy-to-follow instructions.
3. Mobile Phones
Voice broadcasting recipients must give you explicit consent before you can send messages to their mobile phones. On your opt-in page or form, include a consent form for mobile phone in addition to landlines.
4. Do Not Call - Best Practices
The opt-out feature can be connected with a Do Not Call option. At the end of your message, allow the recipient to press a number if they would like to opt out. This can redirect them to your Do Not Call message where you confirm to the recipients that they have been added to the Do Not Call list. Avoid contacting the recipients who opted out or who have been added to the Do Not Call list, or you could face penalties. See the Do Not Call government site for more information.
If you have any further questions about regulations or whether or not your voice broadcasting campaigns are compliant, talk to a qualified legal professional.
Client Broadcast has also built within its platform multiple options to help you stay compliant. If you would like to try voice broadcasting and discover how it can help you cut costs, increase efficiency and reach more of your customers, create a free account today.
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